Monday, April 19, 2010

Solar Powered Bikini


That is so wonderful, you could be on the beach all day grooving songs in your ipod and never run out of electricity while wearing this solar photovoltaic bikini! And who goes in the water anyways.

A solar film bikini that charges your iPod! (With a USB connection!).

The suit is a medium-sized bikini swimsuit fitted with a 1 "x 4″ photovoltaic film strips were stitched together in series with conductive thread. The cells terminate in 5 volt regulator into the female USB connection

Solar Lamp Design by Damian O’Sullivan


Solar lampion consisting of 36 small solar panels that make up the lantern design. This is the last version made for presentations of milan and published for the first time.

This solar lampion are not as many solar lamps that you 'plant' in your garden and then left without supervision. They store energy during the day and release it in the form of light at night, this by Damian O'Sullivan, you can take with you, to your home. [Via]




seasons platos con-forma-de-hojas Seasons :: leaf-shaped dishes design


Seasons, diseñado por Nao Tamura, son una serie de utensilios para servir y contener comida, inspirada en la naturaleza, con mucha carga tecnológica y bajo una visión muy japonesa.


Ganadora del último Salone Satellite Award, los contenedores están realizados con arena de sílice, que como una hoja real, dan una sensación muy natural y primitiva. Se pueden enrollar para su almacenamiento y son óptimos para usarlos en el horno tradicional, en el microondas y en el lavavajillas.


Cada hoja tiene su propia forma, capaces de ser apilables en su estado abierto y formando un colchón de hojas silvestres. Es como comer en el suelo de la mismísima selva tropical.