Manege de Reims "Jeu de société" - Sometimes it's as much HOW art work is displayed, as what it actually is. In this case, that's what grabbed me first. We were hungry and wandering Reims in a pack of 5 trying to find dinner ~ and suddenly we find ourselves walking alongside these bizarre photographs [tons of them!] around a construction site and it was like… is this a Gap ad? Are these billboards that got posted up? And we even touched them, and they were really nice all weather prints… and the contents were bizarre, it was a bunch of images of people in this tiny space, where there seemed to be a door on one side they cam in from,and a window on the other, they went out of… like a super flipbook of sorts… then after making it around two sides of them. It was that epiphany of "Oh! it's Art!" "Jeu de société" is an art exhibition making beautiful use of the boarded up construction site around the Halles du Boulingrin. It is a collaboration between photographer Arnaud Baumann, and choreographer Stephanie Aubin, as directed by the Armoury of Reims. It is all about a person initiating a movement, then the next joins in, and connects, and it keeps continuing all around the building with over 100 shots, showcasing various types of people in the community, from kids and parents, to lovers, to priests, to military, and more… See the fascinating display on the next page!
Jeu de Société Art dans la ville - Expo DU 18 SEPT. AU 20 NOV. Halles du Boulingrin
Une chorégraphe, Stéphanie Aubin, un photographe, Arnaud Baumann, proposent à une centaine de Rémois de poser devant l'objectif pour inventer un mouvement commun… A la clef, une chorégraphie instantanée et collective saisie par l'image. Le résultat de ce chantier qui s'est déroulé à Reims au début de l'année s'affiche désormais dans la ville. À découvrir jusqu'au mois de novembre.
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